Hello, I am John Vance

B.S. in Computer Science

Picture of John Vance

Current Fields of Study

Web3, and Blockchain

Using buildspace.so I am currently working on several projects to deepen my understanding of web3 and blockchain. I will be adding a current list of projects in this space after completion! Buildspace.so is a great resource to get started in this space!

Email Analytics using Python

Email analytics using python, tableau, and pyspark. Using python I was able to parse and clean the email data in MBOX format stored on a linux server. Thus, allowing for basic analytics of top senders/receivers, volume of email per time range, and lastly explored ML models to find patterns unobservable to the human eye.

Restful-API's and Back-end

Post graduation I have learned node.js in more depth, in addition to working on RESTful-API's. My next focus will be putting it all together in full stack development and leverage tools like redis for cache optimization. Will be using JS/React, for both back-end, and web3 projects.

My Work

Who I am

Developer looking for Inperson/remote opportunites

Recent graduate of SIU Carbondale, moving to Nashville, Tn in late July early August of 2022. Besides programming my hobbies include: disc golf, watching sports, playing video games, spending time outdoors with my goldendoodle!

Looking for positions in: software engineering, back-end development, blockchain/web3, and no matter which endeavor I will use my strong analytical skills to drive CI/CD practices making for more robust applications and features.

Picture of John Vance

Portfolio Showcase

Amdocs Capstone project, Real-time Sentiment Analysis of Twitter, Java DBMS with mySQL